Transmission Line Parameter Measurement Made Simple

TAURUS Z-CHECK is a state-of-the-art instrument designed to measure transmission line parameters with precision. Its simple operational design ensures that key parameters required for commissioning transmission lines are determined in just a few steps. This significantly contributes to verifying the performance and stability of the protection system.

TAURUS Z-CHECK ensures reliable and accurate measurement of critical parameters, simplifying the commissioning process and enhancing the efficiency of transmission line operations.

  • Impedance Measurement:
    • Power frequency impedance for transmission lines.
    • Positive/negative sequence impedance.
    • Zero sequence impedance.
  • Susceptance and Inductance Measurement:
    • Phase-to-phase susceptance.
    • Phase-to-earth impedance.
    • Line-to-line mutual inductance (including zero sequence).


  • Power Source: Operates on single-phase mains supply.
  • Injection Voltage: Approximately 80 volts of system frequency is injected into the transmission line.
  • Measurement Parameters: Voltage, current, and phase angle are recorded under specified test conditions.
  • Frequency Alignment: Power system frequency is used for measurements to align with the operating frequency of protective systems.
  • During line commissioning and testing, both circuits (double circuit lines) are de-energized to minimize induction and interference, which are generally negligible.
  • Measured parameters include line impedance, phase-to-phase susceptance, and line-to-line mutual inductance, aiding in precise calculations for system setup.

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